Supported Living

EMA has three supported living services, based within the village of Moreton and the surrounding area of Dorchester, currently offering accommodation for up to 15 individuals. This service has been registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) since April 2022. These services are designed for those who have been assessed as ready to take the next step toward independence, providing them with their own home and an address they can call their own, while receiving the necessary support to manage and oversee this.

Moreton provides an idyllic rural setting, which is safe, secure, and familiar to the individuals using the service. EMA is an established part of Moreton village life, and individuals are actively encouraged to partake in local events. This setting allows individuals to blossom, with good levels of support, in the hope they can progress to further independence in the future.

Support is provided 24 hours a day where needed, with overnight support in the form of a sleeping staff member who can be called upon should an emergency occur. This service incorporates all aspects and responsibilities of managing a household, including cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, and general maintenance, where assessed as safe to do so. It also enables individuals to work on skills in physical and emotional resilience, while facing the challenges of living with others and learning to live a more independent life.

  • Cooking 
  • Cleaning 
  • Budget Management 
  • Travel 
  • Safe use of technology 
  • Managing relationships 
  • Accessing the community

Take a look inside our Supported Living location.

Supported living gives people the opportunity to experience having their own home for the first time. Individuals are given the chance to hold their own tenancy within a shared house, providing experiences of managing a household, building new relationships, and living with a newfound level of independence that they may not have experienced while living at home.

The supported living team is small and familiar, enabling individuals to build strong relationships and trust with support staff who aim to foster their independence, increase local engagement, and allow them to live fulfilled lives. We pride ourselves on a low staff turnover rate in a sector where this is usually exceptionally high, which we believe further improves the quality of support and reduces the level of change for the individuals we are supporting.

The Team

EMA’s supported living and respite services are led by a dedicated team with experience across various areas of Adult Social Care, providing a person centred and balanced approach to support.


Kirstie Telfer – Care Manager

“I am dedicated to creating a supportive and empowering environment where people can thrive. My role involves overseeing the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care, ensuring each individual’s needs and aspirations are met with dignity and respect. By fostering strong relationships with both staff and residents, I aim to promote independence, build life skills, and support individuals in achieving their goals. Together with the team, I am committed to enabling positive outcomes and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we support.”


Ethan Lister-Smith – Field Care Supervisor

“I play a vital role in ensuring the highest standards of care are delivered across our services. I support and guide our dedicated team of care staff, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to provide person-centred, compassionate support. By working closely with individuals and their families, I help create tailored support plans that promote independence and enhance quality of life. My focus is on maintaining consistency, fostering trust, and ensuring that every individual feels valued and supported in achieving their goals.” 

Enquiries for this service should be directed to

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